WELL THEN. * ahem * The original Sadie Hawkins was actually a female character in the comic strip L'il Abner. I didn't read that much, but apparently in the strip, they have a "Sadie Hawkins Day" and all the female bachelorettes (including the absolutely hideous looking Ms. Hawkins herself) have a footrace with the male bachelors and if a female bachelorette manages to tag one before the finish line and drag him, kicking and screaming, back, he has to marry her.
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Sadie Hawkins herself! |
I have to admit that it's fairly funny, although slightly degrading, implying that being a female bachelorette is very undesirable. Admittedly, it was in the 1930s, but still. Anyways, that's the history of the name. What Sadie Hawkins is now used as is a dance where the girls ask the guys, I guess instead of mugging them in a footrace. It's a pretty wide-spread phenomenon and even has a song written about it (check out the link at the end of the post)
I'm not super old fashioned, myself, and so I have no problems with girls asking guys out, though I probably wouldn't do it myself (for other reasons, though). And even when it came to asking someone to the Sadie Hawkins we're having at our school ... I was a little nervous. But I went out and did it. I got my guyfriend J. to slip a little ticket I'd written out asking PC to the dance on Friday. Unfortunately I didn't see him after that so I don't know whether it's a yes or no. But I'm not even that worried, actually. I feel more in control lately than I have for a while.
I was going to write about the Horrible Grocery Store Embarrassment That Happened When My Dad Met PC And His Mom but I guess we'll have to save that for later because I have to leave now. I'm hopefully getting a new camera today and I'm thinking of starting to post pictures on here. Not of myself (I'm Ms. Anonymous, come on) but of different, cool things. Really cool. Let me know what you think and sorry for the somewhat lame post.