Thursday, 6 December 2012

Stupid Life

If you couldn't already tell by the title, I'm having a bad day. 

The thing is, there are lots of reasons I could be having a good day.

Like, PC sat beside me on the bus ride yesterday and we talked for almost an hour and it was really great.

And I got a haircut and I feel pretty. Which is nice, for a change. 

But then there are the reasons why I don't feel great.

Like, my great grandma died two days ago and her funeral is tomorrow and I feel like I don't care enough. Or that I don't even really want to go to the banquet on Tuesday because I'm scared to death of dancing. Or the fact that I might have been talking about how I don't really want to the banquet anymore when PC walked by. Instead of dropping my voice or switching subjects, I just said: "Shoot, forget I said that." and I'm sure he heard me and probably hates me now. But maybe that's better than him liking me anyways.

Whatever. I'm just done today. I feel like having a good cry, which I haven't done since summer. Strange for a teenage girl, but then I am strange. Isn't this the whole point of this blog? To share the strangeness? But suddenly I don't even know what I am anymore.

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